Ethiack Blog

Hello World

Written by Ethiack | 24/01/23 18:00

In today's world, technology is the backbone of everything we do. Tech is part of how we engage, interact, work and relax. Our digital profile is part of our identity, an extension of ourselves. But technology comes with a price. It opens the door to the dangers of the digital world.

How do we guarantee technology keeps evolving but society remains safe?

Our Story

André and Jorge have known each other since they remember. They lived all of their childhood together and have played, laughed, fought, and had more ideas and projects than they can count. They grow deeply connected with technology from early on, witnessing major tech disruptions.

André (aka 0xacb), who started programming at 11, became a prestigious ethical hacker, one of the best. He is now recognized for his exceptional work in protecting worldwide digital organizations, from Fortune 500 to Governments, over the past decade. Jorge, who lost himself in the wonders of the cosmos, became a space engineer with expertise in small satellite systems. 

They started sharing concerns about the exponential rise of cybercrime and its dangers for an increasingly technologically dependent society. Tech was obsolete and vulnerable, and businesses became irresponsible with customer data. By then, in 2018, André was doing stuff like popping thousands of root shells in Shopify (hackers will know), resulting in winning the Most Valuable Hacker (MVH) belt at HackerOne. Jorge was playing in the world of entrepreneurship.

Together, they lived in a global pandemic, witnessed the rise of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and the start of a war in Europe. Suddenly, attacks increased substantially, cybercrime raised 14 billion dollars in daily losses, and businesses started to invest more in cybersecurity. Yet, cyber incidents didn't stop and kept rising. The losses are more and more frequent and heavier every time. Why? Organizations don't prevent, they react.

So, in 2022, André and Jorge decided to join the fight, and Ethiack was born. Our duty is to secure technology and, thus, the people who depend on it. We help organizations achieve high levels of security through robust prevention, which is all about accurate and frequent offensive security testing. As we say in football, the best defense is the offense.

Purpose & Vision

Why do we exist?

Protect technological progress,
while making digital security accessible to all.

Society is now immersed in the digital dimension. It can quickly become chaos if the technology we depend on is disrupted or compromised. Ethiack exists to prevent this from happening. We envision a free and ethical world where people and organizations acknowledge the importance of ethical hackers and live without fear of cybercrime.

A world where digital security is preventive and freely accessible.

The Mission

What do we do?

Secure digital organizations through Autonomous Ethical Hacking.

We are building the Portal to that ☝️ world.

Ethiack Portal will soon be the most advanced, affordable, simple-to-use offensive security product in the galaxy! It combines hackers, automation, and artificial intelligence in a cybersecurity SaaS platform that provides autonomous, continuous, and accurate security testing to identify vulnerabilities beforehand and deliver actionable insights to security and engineering teams in real-time, bringing the risk of cyberattacks down to nearly 0%.

We call it Autonomous Ethical Hacking.