Ethiack Blog

Find the Needle in the Haystack with Advanced Filters for Attack Surface Management

Written by André Baptista | 27/08/24 14:15

When you have hundreds of assets, it can be tricky to keep track of them. It’s a job in itself.

You might want to find assets using a specific technology. Or with certain ports exposed. And the truth is, our Portal didn’t make it easy for you to do that. Until today.

We’re rolling out Advanced Filters for our Attack Surface Management tool. This means you can now use queries to find and filter both internal and external assets. Let’s see some of the use cases for this.

Example Asset Filters

Let’s say you work in an organization with 500 assets. Previously, you could only filter these assets by domain, which was an issue. But now, you can filter your entire Attack Surface by parameters like:

  • Technology used
  • Asset Value
  • Port
  • Service

Asset Filters on the Portal

Start filtering your assets

Even though this might seem like a minor change, we know many of you have been asking for easier ways to search and filter assets. After all, to have a great security posture you need to know the assets you’re working with.

Start using filters by heading over to the Assets page. If you have any questions, reach out to our support team through the Portal. They’ll be happy to help!

Stay secure!